I just realized I haven't updated in like a month and a half. Sorry about that, but I've been immersed in schoolwork, studying for the AP Euro exam (which I just finished), sleeping, eating, and reading a lot of books. I just finished Frank Herbert's Dune, which didn't live up to the hype, and am about to finish Roberto Bolano's 2666, which is amazing so far. I also just finished Rage of the Red Lanterns and am looking forward to Blackest Night this summer despite the mediocre ending to "Red Lanterns".
Heroes, my favorite TV show, just finished its third season. Despite the constant redos and bad reviews (the writers have been slow in learning that you can't please everyone) I loved the third season finale. It definitely made up for some of this season's weaker moments.
As I mentioned before, I just finished the AP exam for European History. I feel good about it, but unfortunately I can't really discuss it in detail.
I'll try to keep updating this more often.
I heard the exam was mind-boggling... much for me to look forward on for AP World.
I started reading Dune and liked it so far. What about it did you not like?
If you're really good at the subjects of your AP classes, then I don't think the exams will be that hard. One of the reasons I didn't mind studying for Euro was that I love it so much.
I didn't really like how some of the characters were a little stale. I mean, cardboard characters and sci-fi go hand and hand, but still.
Another thing was that it seems like Herbert was trying to get me to hate the main character by the end. And this may seem a little insignificant, but I don't like how characters died. There were a couple times were a main character died at the hands of a minor character so fast it was hard to register that it happened.
I also liked it less when I found the religious connotations in the Fremen culture (they mentioned the Hajj, and the emperor's name is Shaddam, etc.). Ever since I read "Chronicles of Narnia", that kind of thing has always bugged me.
At the same time, I really love the imagination that went into building such a detailed sci-fi universe. I also think I'll like it more if I read all six books, but for now I'm swamped with other books to read. It's not a bad book, it's just not perfect, IMO
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