Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back to Work, I Suppose

I was talking with my dad a little while ago, and he suggested that since I plan on being a writer and all that, I should really put more effort into making sure my blog is updated regularly. So, now that summer school Physics is over and my summer reading is near completion, I've decided to put forth my best effort to make sure this blog is updated every day (or at the very least, a couple times a week).
So far, it looks like this post is turning into a mission statement of sorts for the all-new, all-the-time, awesome Bizarro World! I'll update you, my loyal readers, on the goings-on of my summer so far in later posts. Look forward to reviews of every movie I've seen since May (there are quite a lot; not just new ones, but old movies that I finally got a chance to see), the painful but hopefully worthwhile (we'll see come fall) Physics summer school course, and all kinds of different things. Look for it!

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