Okay, I just saw "Cloverfield" last night, and it was SWEET!!! The movie was technically a monster movie, and the monster was awesome, but not a monster movie in the way that "Godzilla" is. What was great about this movie was that the focus of the movie was not on the monster or the monster's origins or an oxygen destroyer, etc., but rather on a group of real, believable people who are thrust into an extraordinary situation. The movie focuses on real human reactions to the fact that a monster has suddenly appeared in downtown New York. Adding to this sense of realism is the fact that the entire movie is shot on a handheld camera by one of the characters, and thus the movie feels very different from most other movies. The movie has a very improvisational approach to it; many events in the movie are caught accidentally, or because the character happened to be looking in that direction with the camera at the time. This sense of realism is scary, and when you walk out of the theater, you feel like you're about to see debris or the Statue of Liberty's head raining from the sky when you turn around. If you have not seen this movie yet, which is likely because it has only been out a day, I highly recommend seeing in the theater. My feeling is that seeing this movie on a DVD would not have the same effect as seeing it on a huge screen in the theater does.
PS- If you respond to this and want to discuss the movie, I will be happy to, but for the benefit of readers who have not seen the movie yet, I would like you to add a spoiler warning to your post if you're going to discuss plot points. Thanks.
Oxygen Dstroyer? Are you a fellow kaiju fan? Oh my Godzilla!
christian, you ttly stole my blog name! geez, whats it take to get some originality here?!
i named my blog after that thing Andy said before the movie started.
i'm still kinda pissed that it wasn't a space whale, also...
I apologize, mk.
Will, I have not seen "Godzilla" myself :(, but I just know about the oxygen destroyer.
Boots, you have to admit that it was much cooler than a space whale would've been.
I told him about the o.d.
Andy is correct, Will.
Andy, are you ever gonna post anything else on your blog?
This just in:
Changed my blog name so as to not upset MK.
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