Alright, I've put up links to the blogs of people who have advertised on this blog, and some blogs I just like. So no more advertising!! If your blog is in the links list at the bottom of this page, then please don't advertise anymore, because it gets really annoying. If you're not on that list, you can advertise a few more times and maybe if I'm in a nice mood I might add you to the list.
Also, there's a new list of sites that I like at the bottom as well.
As for the other sites:
-Leaf Ninja is everything you need to know about Naruto.
-If you're bored, and are interested in an anime, comic book, TV show, movie, etc., you can check out for some fiction about said book/movie/thing written by the fans. Some of them are pretty crappy, but some of 'em are pretty good as well.
the o's are supposed to be zeros
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