Friday, January 18, 2008

Quote Contest!

Okay, so I'm really bored on my day off, and I don't really have anything interesting to write, so I'll start a quote contest. Here are the rules: just come on and post any quote(s) that you think is cool, funny, depressing, etc. and cite the source. Then you can come on later and say what quotes you think are the best out of the ones posted here.

I'll start us off:

"I will show you fear in a handful of dust."

-T.S. Eliot

"Life is half delicious yogurt, half crap, and your job is to keep the plastic spoon in the yogurt."

-Scott Adams


Charles, pwnr of all n00bs said...

"Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window"
-Steve Wozniac

"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet."
-Al Gore

"You'll stop laughing when the rest of the brotherhood gets here."
-No. 616

"You guys get the reindeer. The fat guy's mine."
-Carrot Face (cat)
"I sent them to your ex-wife's lawyer. Why?"
"Polly want to get the hell out of my face?"
-Jennifer (also a cat)

HTR7 said...

"I like turtles."

C. Holub said...

Some "Cloverfield" quotes:

"Rob, you have to slow down, man. Otherwise, one of us is going to have to tackle you, and that's going to be very uncomfortable for everyone involved."

"Whatever it is, it's winning."
-Unnamed army guy

boots boots b-boots boots! said...

Andy: "When I wake up up with my makeup on and go out with my man!"(in song)
me: "I bet you do Andy"

"Now those mucus balls are prostitutes!"

Andy said...

okay boots, no fair. We were playing Rock Band, I was singing, I was about to fail, I needed more points, and I had no choice.

"Blaine is insane, and that is the truth."

(you know where thats from.)