So, yesterday I went to the informational meeting for the LTHS literary magazine called Menagerie. It was pretty cool, although unfortunately I missed the deadline this year for submitting a story. I just had too much stuff going on to even think about that. However, art submissions are due March 7, so all you wannabe artists out there can still submit art if you feel so inclined.
I am liking this Greek mythology unit in English so far. Like I said on Maffey's blog, I have finally found a practical use for the abundance of Greek mythology knowledge I have acumulated over the years. The only problem is that so many Greek myths contradict each other that some of my previous knowledge is different than what we're learning in class.
For all of you English students out there who are enjoying the mythology unit, or just like mythology in general, you should definitely check out the comic book series Sandman by Neil Gaiman. I know most of you are probably immediatley turned off by the words 'comic book,' but trust me when I say that Sandman is like no comic you will ever read. It focuses on Morpheus, the King of Stories and Dreams, after he is woken from a long period of suspended animation. Morpheus is a member of the family of supernatural beings called the Endless, who all represent a concept (Destiny, Death, Desire, etc.) made anthropmorphic. Since the protagonist, the eponymous 'Sandman', is the lord of stories and dreams, the story features a huge amount of characters taken directly from Greek, Roman, Arabian, Norse, and even Biblical mythology, such as Orpheus and the Furies. Also, there are a bunch of interesting characters who are literally 'dreams' and inhabit the realm of the Dreaming, including the Biblical Cain and Abel, who are storytellers forced to replay the tale of the First Murder for all eternity (Abel regenerates everytime Cain kills him). The story is extremely good, and you can probably find all ten volumes at your local library. I highly recommend checking them out, especially if you are interested in mythology.
so go on my blog and select your favorite kaiju.
I did, as a matter of fact.
i havent officially joined janes blog treaty (including no more ads), so i can add now that my blog isnt up there. *coughs*
you know im glaring at you now.
and waiting.
thanks christian, you're a doll.
mk :)
your mom
mk: added your blog to the links. Well, one of them, anyway.
boots: Why do your comments never make sense?
no no, i get it. but i dont get the whole trading card thing.
and thnx christian.
ps-how come nobody ever calls u chris? like a nickname or something, ya know.
No one calls me Chris because I ask them not to. I ask them not to because Chris is not my name. 'Chris' is short for 'Christopher,' and my name is not 'Christopher,' it's Christian. That's why no one calls me Chris.
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