Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finally, After Months of Waiting, A Detailed Story of How I've Spent My Summer Vacation

Now that I've officially started Bizarro World back up again, I think that I'll commence the latest wave of blog posts with, as the story says, the kind of writing that you used to have to do on the first day of school for the first ten years (or so) of school: how I've spent my summer vacation. Granted, it's not over yet, and rest assured I will have stories to tell about this year's trip to GenCon when I return on Monday, but since five-sixths (yes, I just worked that out) of it is over, it seems fitting to regale you with reasons (more like pathetic excuses) for why I've been so negligent of this here blog, interspersed here and there with interesting stories of the summer 2009 (which I fear will be known forever more as 'that cold, wet summer when Christian learned that summer school is most definitely NOT FUN no matter how many Study Halls it gets you). So, without further ado (and I apologize for the amount of ado that has taken up the last minute or so of your reading; I'm just excercising those writing muscles again after so long and it's just so darn fun I can't help but extrapolate), here is my summer vacation.
-Knowing that I was scheduled for three AP classes this year, I signed up to take Physics over the summer so that I would have a Study Hall, which in turn would mean that hopefully I wouldn't kill myself during junior year. When I told my family about this, they were almost mortified, giving me adivce/sucks-for-you comments along the lines of "You're going to hate it" and "You're CHOOSING to take summer school?". However, my hopeful optimism was not daunted by these not-so-helpful comments; I believed that five days a week wouldn't be too bad. However, it was pretty annoying; I spent eight weeks of the summer waking up at 6:30, and the second week we were stuck inside the air-conditioning-less LT North building in 90 degree heat. Luckily, the summer cooled down and we didn't have to face that again. Time will tell whether a Study Hall is worth going through such a harrowing ordeal (rest assured, I will update you when the new school year commences)
-Luckily, the Powers That Be aren't completely cold-hearted, because summer school starts after a week of summer. I spent this glorious week (the calm before the storm) cleaning my room for the first time in God knows how long (conservative estimate: 4 years). That was very worthwhile, as I succeeded in throwing away a crapload of papers dating back to the seventh grade, and allowed me to move in a new bed that is much comfier and much bigger than the one I've been stuck with for God knows how long (conservative estimate: 8 years). The 'last hurrah', as it were, of this week was this year's nightlong Relay for Life fundraiser, which I spent in a pink T-shirt and sombrero.
-After PhysX was over and done with, I embarked on my family's annual weeklong trip to the Chalet on the Lake resort in Michigan. I basically divided my time between swimming in the pool, swimming in the lake (all this swimming was much needed: it struck me in the midst of Physics that until August 1, I had gone swimming a total of ONCE this whole summer), and rereading trade paperback collections of Neil Gaiman's Sandman comic series (amazing stuff; I forgot how good it was). A couple years ago, I finished the last four volumes of Sandman on that trip, and ever since I've associated them together, so I decided to rent some from the library and reread them (needless to say, a decision that led to a lot of good beachside reading).

And that's basically my summer vacation in a nutshell, up to this point. As I've said, I'll update next week with how I spent GenCon, and if anything else happens in the last week (LAST WEEK! Jesus Christ!) of summer, I will most definitely post about it.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Back to Work, I Suppose

I was talking with my dad a little while ago, and he suggested that since I plan on being a writer and all that, I should really put more effort into making sure my blog is updated regularly. So, now that summer school Physics is over and my summer reading is near completion, I've decided to put forth my best effort to make sure this blog is updated every day (or at the very least, a couple times a week).
So far, it looks like this post is turning into a mission statement of sorts for the all-new, all-the-time, awesome Bizarro World! I'll update you, my loyal readers, on the goings-on of my summer so far in later posts. Look forward to reviews of every movie I've seen since May (there are quite a lot; not just new ones, but old movies that I finally got a chance to see), the painful but hopefully worthwhile (we'll see come fall) Physics summer school course, and all kinds of different things. Look for it!