Saturday, February 7, 2009

On Radio, Sweat, and Fugitives

I've got a lot of stuff to talk about, but I'll start with my radio show. That's right, radio show! I wasn't able to get my own show, but Pods did, so me and Boots are DJ Assistants on his show. If you want to listen, it's from 7-9 on Fridays on WLTL 88.1 fm LaGrange. We had our first show last night, and it was epic. Our engineer didn't pass the test she needed to past, so she had to re-take it at the beginning of the show! Me and Boots were stuck in the studio for a few minutes without knowing what to do, so he freaked out a little bit. Once she passed the test and we got back into the groove of the show, though, it was fine. More than fine: it was awesome! It was a lot of fun, and I plan on doing a lot more shows! We did make some mistakes, unfortunately: we had dead air a couple times, and the first 10 minutes of the show was just constant music while our engineer re-took the test.
I've already started my New Year's Resolution by becoming a member of the YMCA; I'm glad I was able to fulfill my promise to myself, and glad I finally started working out.
The second part of "Heroes" season three, "Fugitives", has started out pretty well so far. It's definitely different than the last half. Here are my thoughts on certain characters and what I think should happen to them (SPOILER WARNING):
Peter Petrelli-The man is back! Not only does he have his original ability back, he's also gained powers he didn't have before, namely Tracy's freezing and Mohinder's spidey powers. Unfortunately, some powers are irreplaceable since Ted, DL, Isaac, and Usutu are dead. I hope to see him get back at Nathan and HRG by the end of the season!
Nathan Petrelli- What a douche. If he is not dead by the end of the season (preferably killed by Peter or Sylar), I will be mad and disappointed.
HRG-Another douche. I can't wait to see a fight between him and Claire! He used to be one of my favorite characters, but now that he's sided with Nathan, I'd like to see him dead as well. I don't think there's any more to say about him anyway; the Bennet family drama has kind of played itself out.
Sylar-Oh yeah! At least someone can fight back against the hunters! You just knew when you saw those guys going after him: "None of them are leaving this alive." I'd like to see him collecting more powers, and eventually be a part of taking down Nathan.
That's all for now! Listen to our show if you can!

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