Friday, January 30, 2009


I haven't been able to post for awhile, so here are my impressions of Barack Obama's inauguration and the start of second semester.
I know the inauguration was ten days ago, but I just thought I'd bring up how ridiculous I find the concept of reading prayers at a Presidential inauguration for a country based upon freedom of religion. For some reason, I'm the only person I know who's bugged by this. Don't worry, I go to church a lot and am even a lector at my church, as well as being a huge fan of President Obama, but I believe in the words of Jesus (or was it St. Augustine?): "Give to God what belongs to God, and give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar."
Two weeks ago, I finally delved into the comic book masterpiece that is Hellboy. If your only knowledge of Mike Mignola's fantastic creation comes from the Guillermo del Toro movies, you MUST read the comics. I love them so much; maybe I'll put a real review up one of these days.
My second semester has been interesting so far. My IPC class is fun and exciting, and I really like my teacher. Health is quite possibly the easiest class I've ever taken, but I've learned a lot in the few days I've been there (even though I'm miffed that I can't take the SCUBA class next year). I actually like my new Euro class a lot; even though I was in 10th period for an entire semester, I still know more people in 9th than I did in 10th. I still have Drogos as my teacher, thank God. And I'm grateful I get to end the day with Guitar, another extremely easy class.
Finally, today I auditioned for a music show on WLTL with Boots and Pods. I was really nervous, especially during the interview (my experience as a lector helped the vocal section more than I could have reasonably expected). I should be informed of whether or not I made it tomorrow or Sunday, so expect to hear about it.
That's all for now.

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