Monday, November 3, 2008

I Needed a Break

After a grueling week last week, I finally got to just chill this weekend, hanging out with my friends on Halloween and my dad on Saturday and Sunday. Although I had to do my Euro essay, it wasn't that bad and was probably the easiest of the Euro essays so far. Today wasn't that bad either; all I have to worry about is studyin for my Chemistry test tomorrow. I really needed this break.
In other news, there's no Heroes episode tonight, presumably because of the election. That makes me sad, but life will go on.
Following that, the election's tomorrow! I'm excited to see who wins, and hope that it will be Senator Barack Obama. Obama will probably will win, due to common sense (which unfortunately is not that common, according to Voltaire), historical trends, and the mess that is the economy.
I'm still working on a story blog, so watch for updates.

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