However, even in this darkness, there is some light. I got an awesome new Season 3 Heroes pic for my header. I can't wait until the three-hour season premiere in sixteen days!
Also, my Geo hw has been pretty easy so far, and the Brave New World movie trailer I'm making in English is pretty awesome.
I got Mario Kart Wii for my birthday, and it's awesome! Although I expected the Wii Wheel to be cumbersome, it's easy to use and a lot of fun!
1. how are you making a non X-rated trailer for that book?
2. is the creepy little girl behind sylar his daughter?
3. why does everyone seem to have some kind of colored light emanating from their hands? well not everyone, but you know.
4. WHY DID YOU NOT GO TO ROCK CLIMBING?!! it was awesome, like i told u it would be.
is niki in that picture?
dammit, i thought she was dead. and i was HAPPY
1. I am making a trailer using still pictures of test tubes, crosses, Indian reservations, etc.
2. The girl behind Sylar is Maya Herrera from Season 2.
3. The only two people with light emanating from their hands are Peter and Sylar, both of whom possess Ted Sprague's radiation power.
4. I have so much stuff to do this week that I needed a break yesterday.
ok jw who is the girl to the left of sylar? is it that weird spanish girl? whatever happened to her again? i forget.
p.s. peter is really hot
luckly, every time I try to get mario kart they are always sold out.
PS way to make a Watchman reference with the song lable.
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