Friday, July 4, 2008

It's Not So Much "Failing" As It Is "Not Passing"

So, if you couldn't tell from this post's title, I didn't pass my final Behind-the-Wheel session in Driver's Ed. The good news is that I passed the classroom portion, so all I have to do is come back in, like, September, and redo the BtW sessions after school two-three times a week.
Yesterday, I went with my family to the Taste of Chicago, as we do every year on July 3rd, to see the fireworks and eat calamari rings. It was fun, as always.
That's about all I have to say, other than:
HAPPY 232nd BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chris L. said...

My sister also failed the driving portion and has to take it sometime this summer. I don't know if that's irony or , like, allusion, or something.

C. Holub said...

Allusion: referencing something outside of the context (book, poem, movie, etc.)
Dramatic irony: When the audience/readers know something that the characters don't.
Situational irony: When something unexpected happens.
I actually think the word you're looking for is 'coincidence'.

Chris L. said...

Christian.......I was joking. I'm not as dumb as I seem. Contrary to popular belief, Accel classes actually teach you something. Honors is not as different from Accel as you think.

Anonymous said...

what does Allusion have to do with anything? Plus I thought there were three types of irony (verbal, situational, and Dramatic) correct me if I am wrong as you usually would.

C. Holub said...

No, Mike, you're right, I just couldn't remember what verbal irony was.