So (and yes I know I begin every single post with the word 'So'), over the weekend, I went with my dad and sister to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. It's located just a few blocks a way from my dad's house, so we ordered our food (my sister ordered a cheeseburger; I'm still trying to figure that one out) and walked over there. We were in for some surprises.
First of all, what I thought was an order of three tacos turned out to be only one taco. It was really good, but only held me over for like four minutes. However, my dad had ordered a burrito, and asked me to help him eat it. We opened the container, expecting a burrito, but instead found ourselves looking at Godzilla. This burrito was HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, it was at least as big as Matt Tapia's head, not to mention the fact that it was drenched in guacomole and sour cream, so there was no way you could eat with your hands. Luckily, my dad and I were equipped with Oxygen Destroyers in the form of empty stomachs (since I had only eaten one taco and my dad eats like one meal a day), so without further ado, my dad and I dug into King Kong. However, it turns out that even the combined empty stomachs of my dad and I were not enough to finish off The Incredible Hulk, so we found ourselves throwing away the rest of it. I will never forget that burrito as long as I live.
There, Dad, I posted about it. Eat it (oh wait you can't eat anything because we're both still digesting that stupid burrito).
Hey!!!! That's not very nice how ur ripping on our father!!!!!!
My God Christian do you have anything else to do?!
Just kidding you really didn't say anything offensive!
But just wait until I start blogging!!!
Haha! Just Kidding!!!
AWESOME header by the way! And if you needed help on the burrito, why didn't you call me, or the human garbage compacter, Nelsonface? We would have sucked that thing down like it was water!
hold on...i have to set up the gloat properly...
seriously, it's a great movie, go see it asap.
I saw it too. Before you I mean.
I saw before All Y'all!!! I saw it at 10:00 am on Friday morning!!!!!!
In IMAX!!!!
I had to sit behind Tapia in Radio/Tv Arts, he does have a huge head.
I know, right?!!!!
Hey You!!!!
Write some more stuff!!!!!
I grow bored of this post....
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