So, I managed to get through the first week of Driver's Ed without seriously maiming anyone, although I couldn't make it without puking on the first day. Anyway, I did behind-the-wheel for the second time today, and did much better since Wednesday, since I had practiced at home for a few days. So far, so good.
Also, I was finally able to buy songs on iTunes for the first time in a while, and bought stuff like "Pork and Beans" by Weezer, another Vampire Weekend song, and "Viva la Vida" by Coldplay, among other things.
I'm looking forward to Relay for Life tonight, although there have been reports of possible thunderstorms.
*goes within christian's personal space bubble and shouts while attempting to tickle the victim* wake up, christian!
That was scary.
I don't know if you noticed, but I really don't like being woken up.
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