Monday, March 17, 2008

O Free Time, Where Art Thou?

With only one hour left to go on the English movie poll, it looks like the winner will be "O Brother Where Art Thou?" With 11 votes on this poll, this is the largest turnout for a poll I've ever had on this blog. Either people who never vote on my polls voted because they could actually understand this poll, or some people voted more than once (I'm looking at you, Boots).
In other news, I FINISHED MY LAST LETTER! Now I only have to put the project together and edit some really crappy interactives. However, I am happy to have accomplished this milestone.
Some people have inquired as to the origin of the new pic on my blog header, that replaced the previous "Birth by Sleep" pic. The new pic is from the trailer for the upcoming PlayStation 3 game "Final Fantasy Versus XIII", which will be a part of the trio of games with "Final Fantasy XIII" in the name (I don't think they will feature the same characters, but I believe they will all take place in the same world). No, I don't have a PS3, but the pic is cool and I am a fan of Final Fantasy. (I've actually played some games in the series, instead of pretending to be obsessed with it without actually playing any of the games). Here's another pic from the game as well. Enjoy this small glimmer of light in the overwhelming darkness that is the Odysssey Project.