Well, I had an interesting weekend. On Friday, my dad bought Guitar Hero III for the Wii, and it's awesome! I can now compare it to Rock Band, since I own both games. I would give Guitar Hero 3 a slight edge, simply because you only need to play it by yourself to have fun, whereas Rock Band is most fun when you have a full band playing. However, both games are awesome, and I highly recommend both of them.
On Saturday night, I saw "Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" with some friends. It was pretty good. I have read the book before, but it was so long ago that I didn't really remember anything (except Reepicheep).
Today, we had the in-class essay in English, and it was pretty easy. I predicted the prompt about a week ago (it was really obvious) and finished in half an hour. However, now I'm kind of worried since I finished it so early. Oh, well.
Also, I just added the webcomic "FreakAngels" to the sidebar. I really enjoy it; it's like an actual comic, and is written by Warren Ellis, a transhumanist comic book writer. I highly recommend it; it's not 'gag-of-the-week' like Bored and Evil or Achewood, but instead has an interesting and complex story.